发表于:2023-12-08 |

This week I studied the 2021 MCM B paper, which won the O Award

His author is from Xi ‘an Jiaotong University

I found its github repository and read it in detail

Warehouse site is https://github.com/HilbertRonAnju/MCM_2021_Problem_B

Its matlab program is written a lot, packaging is not particularly good, but the function is complete, can solve the problem

What impressed me the most was the topsis method he used, which could fit the topic so perfectly when he was programming

However, when I read the code, I found that his code was not written during the competition, but was prepared at ordinary times

This inspired me and made me understand that I should learn and save other people’s excellent code more extensively, so that I can use it easily when I play games

His images are also outstanding in data visualization, which is incredibly what matlab can do and not python

At the end of the day, my understanding is that Masai doesn’t really care about the source of the code but your result, so I think I should read and reproduce the code more widely
